Thursday, May 21, 2009

Holy Fuck

Wow. I just was reading some of my older posts, and I just saw myself ask for comments.

Now, I don't know about you, but in my not-so-humble opinion, that shit is, as they say, whack. No one, I don't care where they are posting, what they are posting, or why, should ever ask for comments. Even if what they are posting is horrible, like a blog post promoting the KKK raping children on top of crushed kittens while eating a whooping crane, snowy owl, baby penguin meat medley, asking for comments on their posts makes the post infinitely worse. I feel dirty just having it on my site.

Wait, I can edit my posts, can't I.

So much for that plan...

Ok, I guess it was too much to hope for that I would keep up blogging for very long after I said I would (in fucking January), but I didn't even make it another post! And I even said I would start "regularly posting" again after my long vacation. Ah, well. I guess I'll just try again here. So anyway, a little 'me' update...

Not much has changed since last time, I am nearly done with the school year, though, and am getting nearer to graduation.

That's pretty much it.

Yeah, I know. Isn't my life so interesting? Don't exiting occurrences just come a-calling so often for me? DON'T THEY? TOTALLY!

That's not depressing at all. Not one little bit.
