Sunday, September 30, 2007

Freakin Mac!! :(

Hmmm... it seems that my Mac is all tarded. It wont let me display pitures. There is so much anger flowing through me at this moment, I can barly move. Grrrr....


Ha! You thought I was done. Well, that was a LIE! Now, back to the car. And If you really don’t want to hear, go here.

So without further ado, DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DAAAAA!! Pretty car pictures!! YAAAY!!

Did you like that newspaper? I bet you did. Problem is, you have no idea why it’s there. So I’m gonna Terentino (I’m sure there is some sort of spelling error there) this. And if you don’t get the reference, I will NOT SLOW THIS BUS DOWN FOR SLOWPOKES! FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF, YOU LAZY BUMBS! I WON’T HAND FEED YOU ALL THE INFORMATION IN THE WORLD! GAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!

I went a little overboard there didn’t I? Sorry ‘bout that. Anyway, I newspapered the window because I was painting the side of the car, as seen here…

Yeah, I know. It is an amazing job. I am Piccaso. Or, y’know, not. But why am a painting it, you may ask? Well that can be easily answered by this pic…

Oh… er… sorry, wrong picture. I meant THIS pic…

Grrr… third times a charm…

THERE we go! As you see here, I bondoed the side (which has a huge dent in it) and because I couldn’t really tell where I needed more bondo, I put some primer on.

And where did the dent come from? Well…

I have absolutely no idea.

By the way, the whole bondoing thing was made infinitely easier because of my dad’s friend Seth (remember the Basement Squaters?). He brought a power sander down to my dad’s house, and it hooks up to the air pressurizer and goes REEAAALLY fast. Is nice (Borat style).

And for a little flashback, remember the whole me almost crashing thing? Long time go? Well, we found out that I was right! The steering wheel is a little busted, and that made it lock up! It wasn’t my fault!

And by the by, we found this out when we took the steering column to fix the blinker. It was all tarded.

Anyway, that's all I have to report as of now. And for all of you who didn't read this (well, actually, if you didn't read this, than you arn't here to know what I'm saying) YOU JUST GOT RICKROLLED!!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I really should stop this...

Well, I guess that I’ve waited waaaaay too long, again. I really need to stop doing that. I only post like, once a month now, if that. Every month, it’s like there is a huge C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER! Many of you have no idea what I’m talking about, at this point. Oh well, too bad for you. AAAAAAAnyway, I’ve done some stuff to my car. Would you like to see? NO!!! Oh, well then, goodbye.