Saturday, May 19, 2007

1979 Chevy Camaro - WANT!!!

Today I went to craigslist and saw one of the coolest cars ever. A 1979 Chevy Camaro, with a fully tuned engine, an OK body, and about, oh ... $1500!! Here's a pretty picture of it...

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No me digas! I want that car soooo badly (even though I would have to do a little body work, replace a couple of parts, and scrape some rust away) but I don't see how I can get it. Anyway, the whole car thing got me into cars, so my dad and I went out to get some oil (which came with free oil filters) and some car fixing stuff, and some cover-alls from Value Village, and my dad taught me how to change the oil...

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and oil filter, and I fixed a brake-light...

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I also added some windshield liquid, and some transmission fluid, and cleaned the corrosion from the battery...

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All in all, it was a fairly good day. Changing the oil made me think of somthing my old Social Studies teacher said. He used to go off on a lot of wierd tangents. One of them was, "Ladies, I am SICK and TIRED of when you keep driving when the oil light is on. It doesn't mean that you need to change your oil soon, it means that you need MORE oil NOW!!! And if you don't know how to put oil in your car, just ask a guy to do it. Even if he doesn't know how, either, he'll at least pretend to." Then he would say," and gentlemen, if you don't know where to put the oil, just find the oil cap, take it off, and pour in oil. And if you can't find the oil cap, just look for the cap marked 710." It took a while, but we finally realized what he meant, 710 was OIL upside down. It was pretty funny.
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