Saturday, June 2, 2007

Epic Day of Epicness!

HOLY CRIZZAP (that's rap, for crap)! Today was an extremely busy day! First off, I took my test for my learner's permit. I was FREAKEN OUT yesterday about it, cramming for it by reading the driver's book twice, and evidently, the freaken and cramming paid off. I passed! Huzzah (that's limy, for hooray)! The test was alot easier than I thought it would be, though. I scored 20 out of 22, and learned what it is like to wait at what I assume is basically like the DMV. Wow. That took a while. About 2 hours, actually, even though it felt like much longer. Eventually, we got out of there, and I had this...

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I blacked out quite a bit, didn't I? You never know who might be reading this...

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After that we came ASDFH$&UDSIF&UASD^$$# (that's Swedish, for home) and chilled out a little bit. Than dad decided to teach me to drive, using the Taurus. I looked a little like this..

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Talk about nerve wracking. After a few screw-ups (none fatal, or even property-damaging), I came in thoroughly freaked. Once I had calmed down a bit, I took out my handy-dandy... NOTEBOOK!!! Actually, I took out my cover-alls. And sorry about the blues-clues reference, I couldn't help myself. Anyway, I put on my cover-alls and go out to see what I can work on on my car. After some careful thinking, Dad came out and told me to put down some carpet. First, of course, I needed to take out the seats...

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Then I could lay down the carpet, and if I do say so, I think that I did a ROCK'N job at it. More pretty pictures...

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And then came the The Confuzzlin (that's, umm... something... for confusion). It was such an epic period of the day, I had to name it. With capital letters. Oh yeah. You know I'm serious now. So the problem was, when I took out the seats, I took out all the bolts holding it in place, and didn't remember which bolt went where. Now, I hear you saying, "Well, what's the problem? Just put the bolts into the floor, retard! MAN your dumb! I hate you!" But you see, the bolts were all different, and not all needed washers to go with them, and not all needed nuts on the other side. To make matters even more complex, Jim, (no offence to you, bud) or maybe someone who had it before him, drilled, like, a gazzilion (or nine, whatever) holes in the floor where the bolts go, so I had NO idea where these bolts went. After the first couple of failed attempts, I looked like this...

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Eventually, I looked like this...

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As you can see, I got pretty angry. After a while, I got the right combination in the right holes, and got this...

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So I was finally done, and I looked at a photo of the old floor, and looked at the new one, and thought it was pretty cool. And now YOU can relive my experience!


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Looks good, don't it? So now I'm done with that, and now it's time to go down to the Schucks. I'm driving. So we get down throughout the side, back streets of my neighborhood, and we're about to cross a big street. Big. Like mammoth. Dad tells me when to go and I go. There's a little bit of squeal, but that's always fun. We buy some stuff. Then we head to the Autozone. He drives. We buy more stuff. Now I'm driving home. We do the same thing as the first time, but this time, when he said go, I hit the gas WAY hard, and we fly forward. The amount of squeal this time dwarfed the amount the time before. So we head home (find out that my sister heard the screach), and begin taking the dashboard out, piece by piece. Then, using some special spray, I paint the dash and center console cover black, as seen here...

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While I waited for this to dry, I came in and had some BBQ burgers and corn on the cob. Yummy. That's about my day. I told you it was EPIC!

P.S. I figured out that my car's a chick. Go figure!


Anonymous said...

You looked pretty mad from that chair, but you got it in. I sort of kind of tried to help you put it in, right? I loved that BBQ. Yummy! Seth didn't come for the BBQ like he said he might do. Oh well. You've only mentioned me once in your blog. That makes me sad. :( Did you like the grape popcicles I made? Bye-Bye.

From Callahan

Anonymous said...

Hello, Scott! I was just kidding! Im glad you are working on your car. That is a very cool car. Now you can say, "It's MY car!" When can you get your liscense? (I don't know if that's how you spell it.)Do you have to go to driving school? The Camaro ended up to be $950, remember?