Wednesday, June 27, 2007
That was... interesting
(In this pic, the wheels, are slightly to the left. Or, I think they are. You see what I mean!!)
So I don't realize that my wheel is still turned left, and that turning it even more will put me right into oncoming traffic. You can probabaly guess how that ended. That's right. I turned left. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much. Luckily, the law says I have to have a good driver in the passenger seat, so my dad is there to say, "STOOOOP!!!" I slam the brakes, and make it so. Then, just to add to the fun of this situation, the car turns off. So just to remind you, I am now stopped dead, car off, in the middle of a busy four-way intersection, all the drivers of course soooo pleased to have me right in thier way, and my car refusing to start. Finally (thank Darwin), it does start, and I start going forward. And almost plow right into a car that pulled up. Thanks to my ultra-honed spidey-senses (or dad again yelling stop, not sure which), I go around it, go back up the hill, and pull into my driveway. At that point, my confidence in my super-amazing driving is just about shot, and then, because all troubles come in threes, I scrach my car trying to pull into the driveway. Let it be said, that I will not be driving for a while.
I has a dash pad (but no bucket...)
This pic is known as 'Walrus has a bucket'. You now understand about half of the title.
To get the other half, you will have to hear about my day. Now if only there was some place, on a, I don't know... Network of Tubes, that some how linked everybody's computors together in order to share information; and in this network of tubes there was a place to write an electronic diary, or a log, to tell people about my day, I would be in buisness. Waaaaait...
So today I finished up cutting carpet to fit over my dashboard, in order to cover-up some nasty holes and cracks (Giggity). This actually turned out better than expected, and I got a pretty good looking dash pad. And because no blog post is ever complete without a plethora of pictures, here's one of me making the aformentioned dashpad:
Riveting. Anywho, I eventually put that dashpad in my car and I made it look pretty. Like so:
Enthralling. after that, I took out ol' Bessy (I figure everyone should have one possesion known as ol' Bessy. Be it cow, tractor, or wireless power drill, in my case. Although, that drill is actually my dad's, so only he may call it ol' Bessy. It, not being one of MY possesions, may only be deemed an ol' bessy by its official owner. I believe that there is an entire law practice devoted to ol' Bessy cases because, as you can clearly see, it gets quite confusing). Using said power drill, I stripped (Giggity) a bunch of old carpet off the sides of the car. I turned this:
Into this:
By doing this:
Spellbinding (W00T Microsoft Word Thesaurus!). Once that was done, dad and I went to Hollywood Video, Schucks, and Autozone, me driving (not the best idea, it turns out, but that's news for it's own post). We picked up some cool floor mats:
And began the drive home. And then *screen freezes* *lame TV announcer voice* "What will happen to our hero on the drive home? Tune in next time on ScooterBlog, same bat-site, same bat... uh... site?"
Sunday, June 24, 2007
I kinda went AWOL...
Sorry about that. Anyway, quite a bit has gone on since my last post. Por examplar (spanish for: For example), I have been driving a few times, and it isn't as scary anymore. I went through my first drive-through the other day, which was pretty intense. And yesterday, Dad took me down to the Lowell River, and starting there, I drove on this fairly empty country road, down a little more busy road, had to stop at a temporary stop-light (which my book didn't mention ONCE!) and ended up back at the river. It was a fairly enjoyable drive! Here is a picture of me driving...
So yeah, I've been driving a lot. That's basically the point I've been attempting to drive home for the past few paragraphs. You know, in case someone dumb hadn't realized yet. You never know who could be reading this...
So, because I have lots of pictures and no intention of wasting them, here's a really good picture my dad took of... well... I guess its pretty easy to see what the picture is of.
And here's a good man-pose with my car.
DAMN I look good! Maybe I should become a male model...
On the other hand, maybe not (FYI: for those of you who don't get the reference, this is a scene from Zoolander).
So, back to the update, I will now move on to the actual working on the Camaro. I finally put that goo on the center console to make it look brand new (which it didn't), and so now I'm gonna put in a cup holder so it will look good (which it won't), and we discovered that the steering wheel was a little off kilter, so we're gonna tilt it back so I won't crash (which I might [just kidding, Mom and Dad and everyone else who drives]). Dad also painted the door pannel black so it looks pretty good too. Once all this was done, I attempted to remove the dash board to paint that, but because that would have made life too simple and easy, I couldn't figure out how. So I took a couple of painstakingly long hours (or half hours, mabye. It certainly FELT like hours) masking off the inside of the car, finding out I did it wrong, and remasking it, before I could paint it. Here are a few more pic's...
Finally, I got to the actual painting, which turned out fairly well. And I got to wear a mask. It made me feel very fixery. And yes, I just created that word. Feel free to use it in your every day life.
When we took all the paper off, my car looked (exuse the geek-speak) like the PWN, as seen here.
Doesn't that look good? I think so. And if you don't you can just go DIE IN A FIRE!!!!!
So eventually, my dad's friend Seth came over, and we fired up the BBQ for some scrumtrulecent burgers (I credit that word to Will Ferrell on an episode of SNL), and I got to light the 'qew. That would be a shortening of the word barbeque. Anyway I decided to go big on the fire, and poured 2 bottles of lighter fluid on the fire. Here are some amazing shots of what happens when teenage boys, fire, and the oppertunity for attention mix...
Ahhhh... good times.
Well, almost done, but before I do, I'm gonna tell you a little somthing. A really, really, really long time ago, back in Mason City, Iowa, my great, great grandpa Joe had a mechanic shop. I even have a picture of it...
Point here is, that on March 13, 1934, John Dillinger, a famous gangster and robber, nicknamed Public Enemy Number One, robbed the First National Bank in Mason City, and escaped by having hostages stand on the running boards of the gettaway car. And my great great grandpa was the one who got to fix that car. Pretty cool, huh?
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Back to Mom's...
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Epic Day of Epicness!
I blacked out quite a bit, didn't I? You never know who might be reading this...
After that we came ASDFH$&UDSIF&UASD^$$# (that's Swedish, for home) and chilled out a little bit. Than dad decided to teach me to drive, using the Taurus. I looked a little like this..
Talk about nerve wracking. After a few screw-ups (none fatal, or even property-damaging), I came in thoroughly freaked. Once I had calmed down a bit, I took out my handy-dandy... NOTEBOOK!!! Actually, I took out my cover-alls. And sorry about the blues-clues reference, I couldn't help myself. Anyway, I put on my cover-alls and go out to see what I can work on on my car. After some careful thinking, Dad came out and told me to put down some carpet. First, of course, I needed to take out the seats...
Then I could lay down the carpet, and if I do say so, I think that I did a ROCK'N job at it. More pretty pictures...
And then came the The Confuzzlin (that's, umm... something... for confusion). It was such an epic period of the day, I had to name it. With capital letters. Oh yeah. You know I'm serious now. So the problem was, when I took out the seats, I took out all the bolts holding it in place, and didn't remember which bolt went where. Now, I hear you saying, "Well, what's the problem? Just put the bolts into the floor, retard! MAN your dumb! I hate you!" But you see, the bolts were all different, and not all needed washers to go with them, and not all needed nuts on the other side. To make matters even more complex, Jim, (no offence to you, bud) or maybe someone who had it before him, drilled, like, a gazzilion (or nine, whatever) holes in the floor where the bolts go, so I had NO idea where these bolts went. After the first couple of failed attempts, I looked like this...
Eventually, I looked like this...
As you can see, I got pretty angry. After a while, I got the right combination in the right holes, and got this...
So I was finally done, and I looked at a photo of the old floor, and looked at the new one, and thought it was pretty cool. And now YOU can relive my experience!
Looks good, don't it? So now I'm done with that, and now it's time to go down to the Schucks. I'm driving. So we get down throughout the side, back streets of my neighborhood, and we're about to cross a big street. Big. Like mammoth. Dad tells me when to go and I go. There's a little bit of squeal, but that's always fun. We buy some stuff. Then we head to the Autozone. He drives. We buy more stuff. Now I'm driving home. We do the same thing as the first time, but this time, when he said go, I hit the gas WAY hard, and we fly forward. The amount of squeal this time dwarfed the amount the time before. So we head home (find out that my sister heard the screach), and begin taking the dashboard out, piece by piece. Then, using some special spray, I paint the dash and center console cover black, as seen here...
While I waited for this to dry, I came in and had some BBQ burgers and corn on the cob. Yummy. That's about my day. I told you it was EPIC!
P.S. I figured out that my car's a chick. Go figure!