Sorry about that. Anyway, quite a bit has gone on since my last post. Por examplar (spanish for: For example), I have been driving a few times, and it isn't as scary anymore. I went through my first drive-through the other day, which was pretty intense. And yesterday, Dad took me down to the Lowell River, and starting there, I drove on this fairly empty country road, down a little more busy road, had to stop at a temporary stop-light (which my book didn't mention ONCE!) and ended up back at the river. It was a fairly enjoyable drive! Here is a picture of me driving...
So yeah, I've been driving a lot. That's basically the point I've been attempting to drive home for the past few paragraphs. You know, in case someone dumb hadn't realized yet. You never know who could be reading this...
So, because I have lots of pictures and no intention of wasting them, here's a really good picture my dad took of... well... I guess its pretty easy to see what the picture is of.
And here's a good man-pose with my car.
DAMN I look good! Maybe I should become a male model...
On the other hand, maybe not (FYI: for those of you who don't get the reference, this is a scene from Zoolander).
So, back to the update, I will now move on to the actual working on the Camaro. I finally put that goo on the center console to make it look brand new (which it didn't), and so now I'm gonna put in a cup holder so it will look good (which it won't), and we discovered that the steering wheel was a little off kilter, so we're gonna tilt it back so I won't crash (which I might [just kidding, Mom and Dad and everyone else who drives]). Dad also painted the door pannel black so it looks pretty good too. Once all this was done, I attempted to remove the dash board to paint that, but because that would have made life too simple and easy, I couldn't figure out how. So I took a couple of painstakingly long hours (or half hours, mabye. It certainly FELT like hours) masking off the inside of the car, finding out I did it wrong, and remasking it, before I could paint it. Here are a few more pic's...
Finally, I got to the actual painting, which turned out fairly well. And I got to wear a mask. It made me feel very fixery. And yes, I just created that word. Feel free to use it in your every day life.
When we took all the paper off, my car looked (exuse the geek-speak) like the PWN, as seen here.
Doesn't that look good? I think so. And if you don't you can just go DIE IN A FIRE!!!!!
So eventually, my dad's friend Seth came over, and we fired up the BBQ for some scrumtrulecent burgers (I credit that word to Will Ferrell on an episode of SNL), and I got to light the 'qew. That would be a shortening of the word barbeque. Anyway I decided to go big on the fire, and poured 2 bottles of lighter fluid on the fire. Here are some amazing shots of what happens when teenage boys, fire, and the oppertunity for attention mix...
Ahhhh... good times.
Well, almost done, but before I do, I'm gonna tell you a little somthing. A really, really, really long time ago, back in Mason City, Iowa, my great, great grandpa Joe had a mechanic shop. I even have a picture of it...
Point here is, that on March 13, 1934, John Dillinger, a famous gangster and robber, nicknamed Public Enemy Number One, robbed the First National Bank in Mason City, and escaped by having hostages stand on the running boards of the gettaway car. And my great great grandpa was the one who got to fix that car. Pretty cool, huh?
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