Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I has a dash pad (but no bucket...)

For those of you who are unable to make any sense out of the title of this post, allow me to elaborate:

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This pic is known as 'Walrus has a bucket'. You now understand about half of the title.

To get the other half, you will have to hear about my day. Now if only there was some place, on a, I don't know... Network of Tubes, that some how linked everybody's computors together in order to share information; and in this network of tubes there was a place to write an electronic diary, or a log, to tell people about my day, I would be in buisness. Waaaaait...

So today I finished up cutting carpet to fit over my dashboard, in order to cover-up some nasty holes and cracks (Giggity). This actually turned out better than expected, and I got a pretty good looking dash pad. And because no blog post is ever complete without a plethora of pictures, here's one of me making the aformentioned dashpad:

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Riveting. Anywho, I eventually put that dashpad in my car and I made it look pretty. Like so:

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Enthralling. after that, I took out ol' Bessy (I figure everyone should have one possesion known as ol' Bessy. Be it cow, tractor, or wireless power drill, in my case. Although, that drill is actually my dad's, so only he may call it ol' Bessy. It, not being one of MY possesions, may only be deemed an ol' bessy by its official owner. I believe that there is an entire law practice devoted to ol' Bessy cases because, as you can clearly see, it gets quite confusing). Using said power drill, I stripped (Giggity) a bunch of old carpet off the sides of the car. I turned this:

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Into this:

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By doing this:

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Spellbinding (W00T Microsoft Word Thesaurus!). Once that was done, dad and I went to Hollywood Video, Schucks, and Autozone, me driving (not the best idea, it turns out, but that's news for it's own post). We picked up some cool floor mats:

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And began the drive home. And then *screen freezes* *lame TV announcer voice* "What will happen to our hero on the drive home? Tune in next time on ScooterBlog, same bat-site, same bat... uh... site?"

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