Wednesday, June 27, 2007

That was... interesting

(Wasn't that quick?) That's basically how I sum up today. Interesting. That's actually my way of saying, 'down right friggen blows my mind scary'. Let me set this up for you; I'm driving along down a busy street, and I'm going to take a left turn. So I pull into the turning lane. At this point, my steering wheel is turned left. It's a red light, so I wait a while. Light turns green, I hit the gas, I start to turn the wheel. Of course, my steering wheel is a little off, as seen here:

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(In this pic, the wheels, are slightly to the left. Or, I think they are. You see what I mean!!)

So I don't realize that my wheel is still turned left, and that turning it even more will put me right into oncoming traffic. You can probabaly guess how that ended. That's right. I turned left. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much. Luckily, the law says I have to have a good driver in the passenger seat, so my dad is there to say, "STOOOOP!!!" I slam the brakes, and make it so. Then, just to add to the fun of this situation, the car turns off. So just to remind you, I am now stopped dead, car off, in the middle of a busy four-way intersection, all the drivers of course soooo pleased to have me right in thier way, and my car refusing to start. Finally (thank Darwin), it does start, and I start going forward. And almost plow right into a car that pulled up. Thanks to my ultra-honed spidey-senses (or dad again yelling stop, not sure which), I go around it, go back up the hill, and pull into my driveway. At that point, my confidence in my super-amazing driving is just about shot, and then, because all troubles come in threes, I scrach my car trying to pull into the driveway. Let it be said, that I will not be driving for a while.


Anonymous said...

What did you hit to leave the scratch?

Anonymous said...

The old Camaro is looking good. It is nice to see that you are fixxing her up. I will keep checking and see your progress.

Jim/former owner

Anonymous said...

Dude, watch out for Decepticons. Bee-yotch.

Scott said...

More than meets the eye!!! i actually think that the ladder that I hit actually hit ME. I think it's a decepticon out to get me.