Sunday, October 28, 2007

i r bad...

didn't I say that I would stop taking huge breaks in between posts? Well? DIDN'T I!?! Yes, I did. Why did I do it? 'Cause I'm a BAD wittle boy. Err... somthing liek that. (Mudkips)

So I did some stuff to my car, most of which is just more of the same. Lots of sanding, messing around with carpet (giggity), and other various borring things. HOWEVER!!!! I did do somthing new and exiting! I fixed my steering column/turn signal. And by me, I mean Seth. The evil egyptian god. Or the squatter, whichever. And, while I'm not on the topic, watdafuxup with the word column? Why is there an n at the end? It isnt doing anything! It just sits there and mooches off the work of the other letters! While all the rest are making a sound, the n is just like "Ya know what? I'm just gonna be silent. Im just gonna sit here and watch law and order all day." It's like it's on fricken welfare, or somthing. GET A F***ING JOB, LETTER N!!!

I wonder how the food is in mental instatutions (speeling [more speeling]). So, back to the car. Ummm... ahhh... actually, I think I just told you everything. Hmmm.... this is a remarkably short post. Maybe it's because of the MAC WITH NO GODDAMN PICTURES!! No, that's not fair, I do love my mac. (Giggity [not that way, you perv!]) It has been so good to me, what with cool features like the built in video/just plain old camera. Now I can make videos. Hmm... mayheps I will blog that way, from now on...

Nope, to lazy. Besides, then it's not a blog, it's a podcast or some s***. Why do I put in the censer? Probably because my parents know about this blog, and I'm not sure what the deal is with swearing. Becasue THEY DO OWN MEEEE!!

Did you see the irony there? You bet your sweet ass (like the donkey. You know, gambling a sugar coated donkey. Mmmm...) you did. In previous posts, I say that YOU DONT OWN ME!!, but in this one, I said that they do. I am a silly bitch (like the female dog. That's right, I am a female dog. With the halp of Michael Bay, any thing is possible. ...MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE!).

Well, because I'm bored, Im going to continue blogging, and NOT about the car! That is what they call "living on the edge", and it is exactly what I'm doing.

So, I'm grounded. Yeah, doesn't that just lift your spirits? No, it doesn't. And if it does, I want you to crawl into a four-way intersection, dress up like Osama Bin Laden, talk REALLY loud on your cell phone, and pary like it's your last few hours on earth. Cause it is. BLAM! *dead*.

Onomonapia (speeling) FTW! So the reason for my groundation is this, my teachers don't know math.

That's right, those 3 F's? Not my fault at all. I am a perfect being sent from heaven to show the world what true perfection and glory is. (Than I was replaced by Clive Owen, but that is another story. Actually, It's a more intresting story than the one I'm currently telling, so I'll just bust into that one. So my friends and I went to the movies a month or two ago and saw a movie called shoot em up, starring clive owen, paul giamatti [or somthing], and a pair of breasts (breasts is not a swear-word. Now, had I said jugs [like for water] or boobs [like an alternate word for fool] or even boobies [like the birds], that would have been kida bad. but I didn't. Mammary is scientific, right? I think so, so that one is alright, too) attached to some woman. That movie changed me, forever. It was so epicly amazing that I now worship clive owen. I would go through medical experiments and painfull surgury to have his babies. [on a side-note, i'm not gay]. In fact, I joined a facebook group called "I would have clive owen's babies" [still not gay]. So there is that story, moving on to the other one) My teachers simply screwed up, that must be it. IT IS!!! IT IS!!! I AM AMAZING!!! THEY ARE WRONG!!! *quick, someone give him the tranquilizer!* *I can't he's flailing too much!* GAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAHHHHHAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!*do it now* GAAAAA...aahh...a....*snore*

*a few hours later* Whoops, flipped out a little. So basically, no video games, or going over to my friends houses, or anything like that until november 2nd. So that sucks.

Halloween is coming up pretty fast. And I am prepared. I have a grim reaper robe, a scythe, and a guy fawkes mask. Which means that I am also prepared for November the 5th. Are you? "Remember, remember, the 5th of November, the gunpowder treason and plot. I can think of no reason the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot." I am ready for Guy Fawkes day! I'm wearing the mask ALL DAY LONG!! That is pretty epic.

... aaand I'm spent (Austin Powers FTW!).

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