Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ohhh... fuuuuuddddggge.

If you have seen the movie, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. Don't you? Yes, you do. Ya know what? It's christmas. It's christmas. In heaven. Hip Hip, hiphiphip, hooray.

It actually makes me COL (cry out loud) that reletivly few people at my school have seen this movie. Monty Python and the Meaning of Life. Sure, everyone knows about its famous cousin, The Holy Grail, and it is quite funny. But the Meaning of life is also rather epic. Ya'know what else people havn't seen that they should have? The Godfather.

Thats right. The MF-ing Godfather. Sonny, Vito, Michael, and the gang. People don't know 'bout it. When I heard this, I sorta kinda wanted to slit my wrists. The right way. "Now remember kids, down the road, not across the street."

I always sorta wanted to have my own childrens tv show, and then just totally screw up the children's minds. Do you want to hear about it? Now remember, these ideas are spouting directly from my psychotic mind. Also remember, those who leave will be rickrolled. In a rather tremendus (speeling) manner. YOU ALL READY FOR THIS! (DA DA DA DAA DA DA DA DA DA DA!)

Aaaand... go.

So, it starts out

y'know, I don't actually feel like telling this story. But I also dont want to get rid of all the stuff I've already written, so just disregard what I've typed. So far...

As I stated in the begining, it's christmas time. Now, maybe not to you, but to my family, it is. We enjoy christmas so much, we streach it out to a 3 month long event. We bought our tree about a week ago. That is how much we love christmas.

K, I'm sick of having the word 'christ' in my blog, even if it IS in the word christmas. So I'm jsut gonna go ahead and call it xmas. I am the smart side of america, taking Jeebus out of my everyday life as much as posssible.

Why are ther still religious people? Do they not believe in social darwinism, along with plain old surviaval of the fittest darwinism? Even if they don't believe it, it would still affect them. So, to some up what I've been trying to say, why hasn't religion died out yet? Religion serves no more use for the human race, save to create violence and war? Now don't get me wrong, causing war and violence is an admirable quality, but if it causes you to be a hypocrite, you shouldn't do it. And that is just one of my issues, with just one religion! Trust me, there's alot more where that comes from.

And BTW, what do you guys think about my recent posts? Any major problems with them? Disagree with me? Just feel argumentative? Please post comments! LOL!

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